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Tank Level Indicators Will Help You Better Gauge Your Resources

When it comes to monitoring the contents left in your storage or fuel tanks, all the sensors and alarms in the world will be able to tell you when you run empty. The problem with this is that you never know exactly how full your tanks are without a visual reference with more than just points A and B. Tank level indicators allow you to accccurately gauge how much volume is contained inside your tanks.

For a normal tank monitoring system, it is always important to know when you are about to run out, or when you are over-filled. This method of measurement allows for quick judgements on whether or not you are in working ranges, but it is not able to help you estimate how much of any particular resource is left. With the inclusion of a visual monitoring device such as a level indicator, you are able to keep track of the rate of change within your tanks without having to open the tank itself (if that is even an option).

Before you think that just because your monitoring system says your reserve tanks for your generator are not empty, think about the last time it was ran, for how long, and who refilled it. Sure, it may not be empty, but what happens when you have a power outage, and your generators only have 5 minutes of fuel left, when 3 minutes is your "empty" mark? With a tank level indicator, you would still be able to know that even though it isn't empty, it should probably be refilled to ensure that in a dire situation, you won't be left in the dark.