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SNMP Glossary (Cont.)

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SNMP Glossary of Key Terms

Object Identifier (OID): A number that uniquely identifies a managed object in an SNMP network. An OID consists of a series of numbers separated by decimal points. Each decimal point represents a leaf node in the tree structure of the MIB. For example, all OIDs for DPS Telecom equipment begin with the numbers This sequence represents: iso (1); org (3); dod (6); internet (1); private (4); enterprises (1); dpsInc (2682).

Ports 161 and 162: The virtual ports most commonly used to transmit SNMP messages. Port 161 is used for messages sent by the manager, and Port 162 carries messages sent in the opposite direction from agents.

Protocol Data Unit (PDU): An SNMP message. There are 5 types ofPDU in SNMP v1: Get, GetNext, Set, GetResponse and Trap.

Protocol Data Unit (PDU): An SNMP message. There are 5 types of PDU in SNMP v1: Get, GetNext, Set, GetResponse and Trap.

Proxy agent: An SNMP agent that translates non-SNMP messages and inputs to SNMP. In network alarm monitoring, a proxy agent is usually an RTU that converts contact closure inputs to SNMP traps, like the NetGuardian 832A. Devices that mediate other alarms in other protocols to SNMP, like the NetMediator T2S (TBOS to SNMP) is also a proxy agent.

Referenced (RFC) MIBs: MIBs that are required by the main MIB during compiling. If any of these referenced MIBs are missing, the main MIB will not compile properly.

Set: An SNMP message issued by a manager instructing an agent to change a Managed object to a new value.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): the standard TCP/IP protocol for managing IP network devices.

Structure of Management Information (SMI): the standard that defines the MIB structure.

Standing alarm list: A list of all uncleared alarms, as maintained by a full-featured network alarm management system. Standard SNMP managers automatically delete all acknowledged traps, but a standing alarm list displays every alarm that has not been reported as cleared by the monitoring equipment.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): the more common transport layer protocol in the TCP/IP suite. TCP is considered a "reliable" protocol because it establishes a connection between the host and the recipient, guaranteeing delivery. UDP, the transport protocol used for SNMP does not establish a connection or guarantee delivery.

Trap: An SNMP message issued by an SNMP agent that reports an event.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP): the transport layer protocol used to send SNMP messages. Unlike TCP, UDP is a connectionless protocol that does not guarantee delivery of the data packet. However, UDP uses fewer network resources than TCP, making it more suitable for transporting a large number of status messages.

Variable Binding: the data field of a GetResponse or Trap PDU. Each variable binding lists a managed object and its current value.

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